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You are invited to participate and enjoy the second annual Bonsai in the Garden event on

       Saturday, September 7th, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

 at the

                                                          Northern Plains Botanic Garden                                                                1211 28th Ave N, Fargo.


This Event, hosted by the Northern Plains Botanic Garden Society includes this schedule:


10:00 - 10:15 - Coffee, rolls, bonsai exhibit viewing, and interact with fellow bonsai enthusiasts.
10:15 - 10:30 - Tour the Japanese garden for those who are interested.
10:30 - 11:00 - Terry Adams will give a presentation on Suiseki.                                                                         (Suiseki is the Japanese art of stone viewing and appreciation)
11:00 - 12:00 - Bonsai workshop directed by Audrey Gilbraith. The workshop is open to the public. If you wish to purchase bonsai workshop supplies, please register below.

Attendees are encouraged to display their favorite bonsai for everyone to enjoy.  

Please bring your bonsai for setup before 10:00.


BONSAI WORKSHOP                                                                                                                                      11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  

Come all and enjoy the learning experience and comradery with coffee and conversation as we participate in this ancient Japanese activity! We welcome all those interested to join us for our second annual Bonsai in the Garden event! This year's workshop focus will be Bougainvillea to be trained in the cascade style. 


Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite bonsai plants for display, discussion, or to work on. There is no charge for attendees who choose to not purchase a bonsai plant with supplies.


​To purchase bonsai workshop supplies (a plant, container pot, potting soil, wire, moss), please RSVP, to pay the supply fee at the door, here: Bonsai Workshop Supply Fee

Payment for Workshop Supplies is $25/person, payable to NPBGS at the event (Cash; Check; CC).


Bonsai Workshop Supply Fee registrations will be limited to 20 people, so be sure to RSVP!

portait bonsai in front of gate.jpg

Audrey Dawn Gilbraith is a Master Gardener, certified pesticide applicator, and professional horticulturist working full time at Baker Garden & Gift in Fargo, ND. She earned an associate degree in Floral Design and Greenhouse Technology from Dakota College at Bottineau. Audrey is a lifelong gardener passionate about always learning. Her ikigai (purpose in life) is to give energetic presentations throughout the Red River Valley.

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