NPBGS is actively raising funds for the Japanese Garden. We initiated fundraising in 2022 with a direct appeal to some of our past supporters.
We plan to construct the Japanese Garden in phases over three to five years. Phase 1, the Japanese Entry Dry Garden, as seen in our photo, is complete. Phase 2 was constructed and completed in 2023. This work included earth contouring & grading, irrigation, pathway construction, and grass seeding.
As of August 2023, we raised about 70% of the Phase 2 Construction of the estimated costs. The balance of Phase 2 costs was covered by NPBGS reserve funds.
We continue to seek funding so that we can grow and develop the Japanese Garden.
The Japanese Garden Construction Phases are:
Phase Two: Site Development (83,400 sf)
Phase Three: Plant Material
Phase Four: Rock Material
Phase Five: Structures (Trellis; Gazebos)
Phase Six: Utilities
Phase Seven: Ponds and Streams
Phase Eight: Filter Equipment
Phase Nine: Bridges (three)
These total cost estimates do not include construction of a potential Pavilion Building, but they reflect the core costs for construction of the Japanese Garden.
We ask for your financial support so that we can continue to
grow and develop the Japanese Garden.
To Donate by Check:
NPBGS, PO Box 3031, Fargo, ND 58108-3031.
Please write “Japanese Garden” on memo line.
To Donate Online: Go to our Donor Portal
Please specify “Japanese Garden” on ‘Donate in Name of’ box.
We thank you for your support!
Japanese Garden
Capital Campaign